5 Ways to Deal with Period Cramps: A Practical Guide for Women

how to deal with period cramps


Period cramps are one of the most common types of painful aches and pains that women complain about. They can be so agonizing that some women find it hard to go through them on a regular basis. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with period cramps effectively.

This article will help you get rid of period cramps once and for all – no matter how often you might experience them. After all, it’s not something that you need to be afraid of. In this practical guide, we’ll cover the following:

Drink water before and after eating

Drink water before and after eating

The pain of cramps is mostly caused by low blood pressure and anemia. That’s why the best way to get rid of them is to hydrate the body. That’s why you should drink a glass of water 10 minutes before and after you eat a meal. This will help you deal with period cramps more quickly and easier. Also, you should stay away from caffeinated and alcoholic beverages because they only make the pain more intense.

Instead, drink some herbal teas such as ginger, mint, or dandelion. These are great for relieving menstrual cramps. Keep in mind that you should not drink water an hour before bedtime. This is because it will make you wake up in the middle of the night and make you feel thirsty again. So, make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day and night.

Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly

Many women are afraid to exercise while they are on their periods. This is actually a great way to deal and get rid of period cramps. When you exercise regularly, you increase your blood flow. This means that your cramps will become less intense and you will be able to exercise through them. If you are worried that you might get cramps while exercising while on your period, don’t be.

There is actually a certain way to go through them so that you can exercise through them. First of all, you shouldn’t exercise very heavy when your period starts. Heavy exercise can cause cramps in some women. Instead, you should do low-impact exercises like walking, yoga, or Pilates.

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Take a warm shower right before bedtime

Take a warm shower right before bedtime

Cold showers can actually be effective for getting rid of cramps. That’s because they increase blood flow and decrease blood pressure. This can be very helpful for relieving cramps. Plus, a warm shower relaxes you and soothes you. This makes you feel better and thus, you won’t want to do any additional pain. Soaking in a warm tub can also be a soothing way to get rid of cramps. You can eat some Epsom salt while you are in the tub to increase the effectiveness of the shower. [s]

Don’t forget to stretch

Don’t forget to stretch

Stretching your muscles can be helpful for a number of reasons, but it is especially helpful for relieving cramps. The reason why stretching relieves cramps is that you are essentially stretching your muscles. This can increase blood flow and help to deal with and get rid of period cramps. There are a few different ways to stretch to effectively get rid of period cramps.

A cramp-soothing stretch:

  • Hold the stretch for about 30 -60 seconds and massage your muscles.
  • Repeat this stretch 4-5 times.

Find ways to soothe yourself

Find ways to soothe yourself

No matter how painful your period cramps are, you should never let them keep you from doing anything you enjoy. That is why you should find ways to soothe yourself while you are on your period. Firstly, you can focus on your breathing. This can help you get rid of the intense pain of cramps because it will relax you. Next, you can try to find a natural way to relieve cramps. Making your own remedies can be a great way to relieve cramps without spending a lot of money. The ingredients that you need can be found in most kitchens. You can make tea from ginger, mint, and rose petals. You can also make baths with Epsom salt or milk to relieve cramps.

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Bottom line

If you have experienced severe cramps in the past, you should see your doctor. This can help you determine if you have an underlying medical condition that can cause cramps. However, if period cramps happen only once in a while, you should be able to deal with them.

That’s why you should follow these tips to get rid of period cramps:

  • Drink lots of water before and after meals.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Take a warm shower right before bedtime.
  • Don’t forget to stretch.
  • Find ways to soothe yourself.