How To Take Care Of Yourself As A Woman Hygienically? – 10 Tips


Being a woman is beautiful. And comes with great responsibility – single or married. Often times with that responsibility on our shoulders we often lack time for ourselves but the truth is taking care of your body is also a part of your responsibility as a woman. And with that, taking care of yourself as a woman hygienically is very much important as your physical health, and mental health.

There are a few special considerations to include in your daily self-care routine for your overall health, that is, from eating healthy food to exercising for physical health; practicing mindfulness to inculcating of healthy thoughts for your mental health, and then practicing daily hygienic routines to keep you clean and makes you feel good.

Your weekdays may be overloaded with work but give time to take care of yourself.  It will not only make you feel and look good but it will make you healthy and free of unwanted stress and diseases.

10 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself As A Woman Hygienically

Here are a few tips to take care of yourself as a woman hygienically.

Wear clean clothes

Wear clean clothes

The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about personal hygiene is our clothes. Dirty clothes can carry germs and gives bad odours, especially your innerwear which can become a breeding ground of germs if left unchanged. Therefore, always change and wash your clothes if used. It will also protect you from various skin diseases. Make sure to use clean, washed, dry and unwrinkled clothes. It will not only looks clean but makes you feel good about yourself.

Daily bathing routine

Daily bathing routine

Taking shower or bath daily is highly recommended for your personal hygiene. It eliminates body odour, sweat, and germs making you clean, fresh, and energetic, and even boosts your confidence level.

  • pay more attention to your vagina, under your breast, and armpits.
  • use mild soaps in your intimate areas to avoid disturbing the ph balance.
  • Use clean and dry towel after bath

Shampoo and condition your hair according to its requirement

Shampoo and conditions your hair

Wash your hair depending upon the type of your hair. If you have oily scalp or dandruff problems daily wash is recommended or if you dry your hair washes your hair once within two days. Pollution and the sun can damage your hair strands therefore conditioning your hair is important. It prevents breakages and gives luster making your hair healthy.

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Maintain oral hygiene

Maintain oral hygiene

Keeping your teeth clean not only gives you a happy smile but prevents cavities, bad breathes, and various dental diseases. Therefore, take care of your dental health hygienically as a woman to have more confidence and keep yourself from toothaches.

  • Brushing teeth twice a day– morning and night [s]
  • Clean your teeth properly – outer, inner, and surface of your teeth and don’t forget your tongues
  • Floss your teeth to remove debris from your food
  • Change toothbrush after every 3 month

Take proper care of menstrual hygiene

Take proper care of menstrual hygiene

One of the most important and necessary personal hygiene for women is their pubic region, especially during the menstrual cycle.

  • Don’t avoid taking bath during your monthly cycle and clean your vagina with warm water and mild feminine washes two-three times a day. Avoid washing it too much to prevent dryness and loss of moisture.
  • Change your sanitary napkins or tampon after every 4-8 hours or depending on the amount of blood flow.
  • Don’t use sanitary napkins or tampons for too long because of the risk of toxic shock syndrome and other infections.

Care for your pubic area

Care for your pubic area

It is very important as a woman to keep your pubic areas clean and dry. If not tend or treat properly can give vaginal smell and risk of vaginal infections. Here are some ways to manage your pubic areas:

  • Wash your pubic region daily with warm water and mild soap or feminine
  • Avoid using soap that has high chemicals as it will disturb the ph balance
  • If trimming your pubic hair used clean scissors, use safety-razor preferably with a moisture strip.

Maintain hand hygiene

Maintain hand hygiene

Our hands are a part of the body which is used to do things– touching, cleaning, eating, etc and so is a higher risk of carrying bacteria, and germs. So it is important to keep your hands clean and dry. [s]

  • Wash your hands throughout the day
  • Wash with soap and lather for at least 20 seconds
  • Rinse your hands thoroughly and pat them dry with clean and warm water.
  • Always carry good moisture-based sanitizer and use it every now and then.

Toilet etiquette

Toilet etiquette

For a woman to use public toilets extra attention should be given because it has risk from getting urine infection or other vaginal diseases. So great care should be taken while using a public toilet. Some hygiene tips are –

  • Use pee sanitizers on the toilet seat before you pee and using of toilet paper on the toilet seats is very much necessary
  • Wipe yourself well with toilet paper after peeing

Care for your nails

Care for your nails

Another hygienic tips for woman is keeping fingers and toe nails trimmed and free from tattered edges. There is no need of going for manicure every week, you just need to a few minutes to trimmed, clean and file down your nails this in turn help to improve your overall hygiene.

  • Remember your nail can be a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. If you are to keep long nails remember to clean it every now and then.

Practice safe sex (if you’re sexually active)

Practicing safe sex can protect you from various sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, always use protection while having sex.


Women’s body are delicate and complex so it is very important to take care of your body. Overall women’s health cannot be determined by just maintaining a balanced diet or maintaining a balance mental health but maintaining proper personal hygiene is equally important for a healthy lifestyle.

When we talk about the tips for personal hygiene for women, the list goes on and on and is never. However, with the above-mentioned tips for feminine hygiene, there is assurance of a healthy, clean and happy life if you apply the tips in your daily routine.