How to get a clear skin at home? – 7 Proven Home Remedies + Bonus Tips


How to get clear skin? Is it possible to get clear skin at home? Can I get Clear skin at home?

How can I get clear skin naturally? How can I get clear skin overnight?

Beautiful clear glowing skin is what we all wish for. Not Everyone is lucky enough to be born with clear skin. In general, we all struggle with different skin issues.

Some of the most common skin issues are Pimples popping up, dark spots, dry skin, and acne-prone skin.

We have rounded up some of the best skin care routines and effective home remedies that actually work for all skins types. #howtogetaclearskinathome

Let’s get started!!!

7 Best Home Remedies For Clear Skin At Home

1. Apply Aloe Vera

 According to dermatologists, Aloe vera has numerous skin benefits. Aloe vera plant has anti-inflammatory properties which help soothes sunburn, fight acne, removes scars, prevent dark spots, promote skin elasticity, and are good for removing dead skins. It is also a good natural moisturizer. #getaclearskinathome

aloe vera for clear skin

Aloe vera can be used to treat swelling and burnt skin. Apply Aloe vera gel twice a day for clear glowing skin at home.

Did you know about this amazing scar removal cream?

2. Use Tea Tree Oil

The most amazing essential oil is good for your skin, hair, and nails. This anti-inflammatory oil can do wonders to your skin in no time. Tea tree oil is mostly used to prevent acne-prone skin, fight against dark spots, and prevent blemishes. You can directly apply tea tree oil to the spot in case you have sensitive skin make sure you dilute the tea tree oil before applying. [1]

tea tree oil home remedy for clear skin

3. Make your Own Papaya pack

Papaya fruit is packed with amazing beauty benefits. Papaya is one of the best natural bleachings that prevent acne marks, help fight signs of aging, lighten skin, prevent breakouts, rejuvenates skins, remove dead skin cells, and regulate pigmentation. You can make a papaya facemask at home by simply Mash and directly apply it to your face. Or Blend it and apply the juice with the help of a cotton ball. #clearskin

papaya mask for clear skin at home

4. Stroke with Banana Peel

You never have to toss away your banana peel again after knowing the skin benefits you can get from it.

Rubbing a banana peel on your face can reduce wrinkles and possible fine lines, can brighten your skin, prevent acne scars, fades dark spots. Banana peel can be used as a natural moisturizer.

Banana peel for skin

5. Exfoliate Your Skin Regularly

You need to Exfoliate your skin on regular basis to remove dead skin cells. Exfoliating helps skin cells that clog pores. You can use tomatoes as a natural acne effective treatment to exfoliate the skin cells and unclog pores by getting rid of dead skin cells. This also heals sun-damaged skin. This is one of my favorite skincare routines as regular exfoliating helps improve my skin texture, improves skin tone, prevents acne, deep clean pores, and also keeps my skin looking tight and smooth. [2]

Exfoliate your skin

6. Milk for Cleanser

Looking for a great natural facial cleanser? Besides other health benefits you get from milk, there are other great benefits you can get from milk. Using milk as a cleanser can remove dead skin cells and dirt from the skin.

The lactic acid in milk work wonders in deep cleaning pores, remove acne, and nourishes your skin cells. It also keeps your skin hydrating all day long. Replace your chemical cleanser at home with milk for clear skin.

milk for clear skin

7. Green Tea bag

It is not a secret that green tea contains antioxidants. Green tea being a popular healthy drink also help prevent skin cancer.

This anti-inflammatory drink can improve your skin texture, healthier skin, fight acne, control oily skin, helps slow down skin aging, reduces skin redness and skin irritation. If you don’t like drinking green tea you can go simply use the loose leaf green tea as a face scrub.

You can even use green tea as a toner. All you need to do is brewed it. Let it cooled and dip a cotton ball and simply apply it to your face. [3]

Don’t throw away your green tea bags after you are done drinking tea. Pull out the tea bags and put them in the fridge for an hour or so. Place them on your eyes for 10 minutes. This is a great way to get rid of dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines around your eyes.

green Tea for clear skin

Extra Tip: Apply Apple cider Vinegar

The skin benefits that you get from apple cider vinegar are just mind-blowing. Apple cider vinegar can prevent acne, pimples, and pigmentations heal sunburn, exfoliate and soothe your skin, remove dark spots, and also reduce wrinkles.

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a toner, face mask, face wash, spot treatment, and face cleanser.

In case you have a sensitive skin type don’t apply directly to your skin. This might cause skin irritation. Make sure to dilute apple cider before applying it.

Apple cider Vinegar for skin

If you are struggling with excessive skin tags and moles, Read THIS!

Bonus Tips For Healthy & Clear Glowing Skin At Home

  • Wash your face at least twice a day. If you have oily skin or you sweat a lot try to wash it more often or after you have sweated.
  • Use mild cleanser keep in mind you need to cleanse your face before exfoliating. In a day try to exfoliate twice for best results.
  • Apply moisturizer twice a day. Moisturizing prevent your skin from dryness, reduces the appearance of blemish, helps to keep your skin balanced.
  • It doesn’t matter whether you are gonna stay indoors or outdoors. Always apply a good sunscreen with SPF above 30.
  • Another great idea to rejuvenate your skin is steam facial. Steam opens all clogged pores and deeply clean your skin.
  • Always use a good face product, pimples and acne occur more often when you use a cheap quality product.
  • Beauty sleep! Get at least 8 hours of good sleep. When you sleep your skin makes new collagen, repair and restore your skin.

Learn how to repair and restore your skin using this!

Bottom line

We all have different skin types and skin conditions. However, the above home remedies are worth a try for clear skin. Most of them work pretty well for me. But, some of the above-listed home remedies may not work for you.

If you have a serious skin problem, you should get help from the top doctor or dermatologist because they obviously know better than you and me when it comes to skin problems.

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