How To Remove Wrinkles And Fine Lines? – Includes 9 Prevention Tips

How To Remove Wrinkles And Fine Lines

Do you want to remove and get rid of wrinkles and fine lines from your face? Read this article to help yourself to remove them and prevent them from appearing on your skin.


With age comes complications and alteration. Nobody can skip that phase of life. As you grow older, you will witness many physical issues that are closely related to ageing. You won’t be as active as you were before, your knees, backs and joints will start aching, you will become slow, your eyesight and hearing quality will decrease, your immune system will weaken, you will be more vulnerable to various sickness and diseases, your skin will sag and become extra sensitive.

These are nothing new, rather they are quite very common and normal elements associated with old age. Similarly, wrinkles and fine lines too are a part of it. As we go on, we will see what they actually are, what are its causes, its preventive measures, and how to remove these wrinkles and fine lines.

What Are Wrinkles?


A fold, ridge or crease on the skin is what is known as wrinkle. It can be an outcome of ageing, loss of body mass, sun damage, habitual sleeping positions or prolonged immersion in water. Wrinkles formed due to the ageing factor is usually promoted by habitual facial expression, poor hydration, sun damage, smoking, etc.

To some extent, wrinkles can be prevented by abstaining from excessive solar exposure and by diet as well. There are different types of wrinkles that we will witness in humans. It is interesting to know that animals too can have wrinkles. The skin of animals tend to get loose and hanging.  According to an aging theory, the development of facial wrinkles is because of the incorrect repairs of injured elastic fibers and collagen fibers.

Causes of wrinkles

Our sleeping positions can also produce sleep wrinkles. Unless we alter our habitual sleeping position, there are high chances of sleep wrinkles becoming permanent. Another type of wrinkle called the water-immersion wrinkle is caused when the skin is exposed to water for a long period of time. But this type of wrinkle is just temporary and not permanent.

What Are Fine Lines?

Fine lines

Fine lines come into existence during the late 30s before the birth of wrinkles. It acts as an indicator of first signs of ageing. As the name suggest, fine lines are shallow, small lines that appear on the face. Mouth and eyes are the most moved area in our face.

Most of the facial expression and movements are done by our eyes and mouth. And so this is where we will see the development of fine lines. As we age with time, fine lines will be transformed into wrinkles. It is so because the collagen and elastin that lies beneath our skin begin to break down.

Fine lines are caused due to the ageing factor, excessive sun exposure, smoking, lifestyle issue, and genetics too.

People usually use the word wrinkles and fine lines interchangeably but we should know that these two words are actually different from each other. Wrinkles and fine lines appear on different areas of your face but to remove them, takes almost the same process.

Fine lines develop around the eyes and the mouth. Small creases at the corner of the mouth or around the lips, between the eyebrows, and tiny lines on the foreheads could be noticed at the initial stage. As you grow old, fine lines deepen because the collagen and elastin under the skin tend to break and your skin becomes loose.

Causes of Fine lines

Now what causes these fine lines? There are many factors associated with it. Having a fair skin tone can put you at risk for fine line and wrinkle formation if you do not use sunscreen lotion. Genetics have a direct link with our skin’s resilience. It can either increase or decrease your chances of fine line formation.

Drinking from a straw repeatedly can cause fine lines around your mouth as you pucker it around with your lips. Now wrinkles are the result of not treating the fine lines well or on time. When we neglect the fine lines, it deepens and forms wrinkles.

Wrinkles are formed in areas where fine lines occur, in areas where your face witness volume loss, in areas where your skin sags, or in areas where there are repetitive movements or expressions. Fine lines are not the only contributors to wrinkles. There are other factors like aging, environmental issues, food intake, and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

In two different sets we shall see how wrinkles and fine lines can be prevented and how to remove them.

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9 Prevention Tips Of Wrinkles And Fine Lines

Prevention of wrinkles and fine lines

1. Avoid excessive sun exposure

Use sunblock or sunscreen cream of SPF 30-50 every day, especially when you step out of your home. This will protect your skin from harsh environmental factors and UV/UB ray.

2. Moisturizer

Moisturizers greatly helps in nourishing and hydrating your skin. With age and time, our skin becomes drier which increases the risk of wrinkle formation so we should keep applying moisturizers daily.

3. Water

Water is the most essential tool needed to keep our body and skin healthy. It has the ability to flush out the unwanted toxins from our body. It also regulates our body temperature and helps in digestion. In addition to that it hydrates our skin from within and it keeps your skin clean, clear and healthy.

4. Sleeping Positions

This might sound lame but according to a 2016 study, sleeping positions may have an effect on the formation of the wrinkles. So to prevent wrinkle formation, it is good to sleep on our back and not on the side or stomach. Sleeping from the side or the stomach compresses our skin and can increase the risk of wrinkle formation. [s] Silk pillowcases create less friction so it will be better to go silk pillowcases rather than the cotton ones.

5. Stop smoking

Smoking is not only dangerous for your lungs but it is also not a good thing for your skin. The tobacco that is present in the smoke destroys the collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are fibers that give out strength and elasticity to our skin. If these fibers are damaged then ultimately our skin becomes loose. Nicotine present in cigarettes reduces the blood flow to our skin as it constricts our blood vessels. As per Mayo Clinic, the heat present in cigarettes may also cause wrinkles.

6. Avoid repeated facial movements

If we want to avoid wrinkles, we should avoid repeated facial movements like frowning, squinting, pursing of lips. Stress is also another factor.

7. Less sugar and carbs

Sugar and refined carbs releases insulin. Sugar binds to the elastic and collagen fibers that make our skin look youthful. When these fibers get destroyed, the support lessens and the ultimate result is wrinkles.

8. Get good sleep

Six to eight hours of sleep per night is essential for our skin. Not getting enough sleep can damage our skin.

9. Eat right

Eating good and eating right is another important factor if you want to prevent wrinkle. Antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, lean proteins are all good for our skin.

Learn how to repair your damaged skin with this!

9 Ways To Remove Wrinkles And Fine Lines

Removal of wrinkles and fine lines

1. Aloe Vera

Applying Aloe Vera can be of great help as it known for its numerous healing properties. According to a 2008 study suggest that taking a daily gel aloe supplement can significantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles in 90 days. Direct application of Aloe Vera to the wrinkle area also proves helpful. It adds more collagen to your skin and keeps your skin hydrated. [s]

2. Cream

Creams made of egg membrane leads to reduction in wrinkle depth and it also increases production of collagen. But, people who are allergic to eggs should abstain from it.

3. Essential oils

The application of some essential oils may help to remove and in reducing wrinkles and fine lines.

4. Facial Massage

Massage is also another effective tool for wrinkle treatment. According to some experts, doing facial massage daily for three to five minutes with our fingers can reduce wrinkle formation. You can either go for spas and salon massage treatments or you can do it on your own at home.

5. Olive oil

Olive oil is proved to increase the skin’s collagen levels because its stems and leaves contain compounds that contributes in collagen increase.

6. Minerals

They are micronutrients found in the foods we eat every day. Minerals help in the process of filtering sunlight. Also it promotes healing of the skin and prevents from further damage. So if you wish to remove the wrinkles and fine lines that is showing up in your face. Then get some zinc and selenium as they are two essentially important minerals for our skin.

7. Right Pillowcase

To reduce the wrinkle and fine line formation in your skin, we can do a simple thing and that is to sleep on a right pillowcase. Silk or copper-oxide pillowcases are a good pick. Silk contains proteins and is hypoallergenic so it is not hard on the skin. Copper-oxide pillowcase contributes in the reduction of fine lines.

8. Plastic surgeries

Plastic surgery, brow lifts, facelifts are also other options for wrinkle and fine line treatment. But of course they come with a lot of money, pain and side effects sometimes. You can also visit or consult a physician or plastic surgeon expertise in this area and he/she can assist you.

You can also go for plastic surgery. However, plastic surgery may not always be healthy. It may hamper the overall quality of your skin and you may have to face the consequences all your life. So it is best to play it safe by first trying out the available home remedies. But again if these home remedies tend to irritate your skin or if it causes any side effect then you should immediately stop it.

9. Cream or treatments

If you are skeptical about home remedies then you can go for medical or clinical treatments. There are many types of creams and lotions available so you can apply them as per suitability.

Apply anti-ageing skincare products which are safe and clinically tested.

For wrinkles and fine lines under your eyes, you can apply good eye cream daily to remove them until you see changes.

Anti-wrinkle creams are also available in the market and pharmacies so try applying them and see the end result.

Facial Exercises To remove fine lines and wrinkles

facial exercises to prevent fine lines


Wrinkles and fine lines are signs of ageing and you need not worry much to remove them. They are not cancerous or dangerous. No doubt they make you look a little old, shabby, and weary. But these are just part and parcel of human life. A human body undergoes certain changes with time and the environment.

No matter what you do or how hard you try, you cannot always look young and fresh like in your heydays. Your youthfulness and freshness will eventually subside as you age with time. It is notable to say that some people are ever green and they seem young even in their old age. This can be because of genetic reasons or because of good skin quality.

While for some people, aging comes in a blink of an eye. We live in an advanced world now so there is solution for everything. And you have the luxury to choose what you prefer.

There are many home remedies to remove wrinkles that are natural, safe and effective. Side by side, there are again medical products and cosmetics too.

Prevention is for sure better than cure so we should all try to work on our skin by doing the best we can. Skincare should start from a young age. If we do not want to regret in the future then we better be mindful of what should we do and what we should avoid.