The Basic Principles of Aromatherapy

As for any corrective measure, the main principles of Aromatherapy is not to overdo and do yourself an ill turn. In aromatherapy it is very important to pick up an essence accurately. All oils exhibit certain characteristics properties, and should be selected strongly individually. No doubt you may use your favorite aromas for pleasure fearless, but if you are going to apply toward the solution of particular problems, tuck oil carefully.

Basic Principles of Aromatherapy

Sometimes you need a professional advice to choose oil for specific treatment. Take into consideration, that all oils influence nervous system, remove stresses and also normalize sleep. It is also necessary to tell about multi-purpose action of some oils on the same person. Depending on the organism condition they can take an opposite effect (for example, tonic effect for one organ or body system and relaxing action for the other). Such many-sided oils are called adaptogens.

So, the main principles of aromatherapy are:

  1. Aromatherapy should be use with reserve for little children. It recommends not to use mint oil for children before 1 year old and tea tree oil before 6 y.o., a geranium, rosemary, brotherwort, before 12 years old.
  2. Choose only the first-rate quality oils, cheap oils of poor quality may cause unpredictable complicating disease. Take into account: aromas take much more effective than it can be suggested at the first glance.
  3. Observe rigidly a dosage of essences and all recommendations about their application.
  4. Also, do not break storage precautions for aroma essences: bottle them and keep in dark small bottles in a refrigerator.

Do make sure you follow these principles about the aromatherapy and make proper use of it. This will help you in a lot of ways. As you start with it, experience how fragrance can transform your journey of life.

How to Start with Aromatherapy!