7 Remedies on How To Get Thick Hair For Men

how to get thick hair for men


Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wished that your hair was thicker? Thinning hair or hair loss and balding in general are very common that happens to everyone especially in men. And statistically speaking, more than 50 percent of men over the ages of 50 years go through this phase in their lifetime. People often connect hair loss with a receding hairline or balding crown. This is a major misconception because hair loss in men often starts with your hair thinning making your hair lose its volume and less thick. Studies have shown that 50 million men experience thick hair loss from androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness in United States alone! Note that, one can experience thinning hair from health issues as well like an illness, mental stress or extreme weight loss, and so on.  

How and Why Hair Loss Develops?

How and why hair loss develops

Generally speaking, there are many factors that contribute to hair loss and thinning hair. And of which baldness in men is one of the most common types of hair loss. Hair loss typically begins with thinning of the hair on the top and on the sides of your head. This will then gradually start spreading to the rest of the head. Generally, it normally takes about 14 to 26 years to go completely bald if you are a man with male pattern baldness. And although no specific cure has been found to prevent the balding, you can however slow down the hair loss process with proper care and medications.

When we talk about thick hair or hair loss, the male pattern baldness is considered the most common form of hair loss in men. This is affecting millions of people and is the cause of dihydrotestosterone or DHT which is an effect of male hormones. In simple terms, DHT is a type of androgen or the male sex hormone which is produced by your body. And it plays a crucial role in the development of your genitals as well as other sex characteristics such as your voice and facial hair.

Below are the important tips and home remedies for men to follow to have healthier and thick hair.

Include sufficient zinc and iron in your diet

Include sufficient zinc and iron in your diet

There are many important nutrients that plays an important role in the overall health of your hair. And of which zinc and iron are the two most important nutrients to include in your diet. Studies have found that when your body doesn’t have sufficient zinc it impacts your hair health leading to hair loss. Similarly, deficiency in iron also contribute to balding and thinning hair.

Wash your hair gently and on alternate days times a week

Wash your hair gently and on alternate days times a week

Treat your thinning hair with care when you wash it. Even if you shower daily, you don’t necessarily need to wash your hair every day. When you do wash it, make sure to use a shampoo that’s gentle on your scalp and doesn’t dry out your hair. You should always condition your hair after washing it as well. Conditioner provides a protective barrier on your hair that keeps it from breaking or splitting. While washing your hair in and of itself doesn’t cause hair loss, how you clean and care for your hair may help strengthen and protect it.

Stop smoking

stop smoking To Get Thick Hair For Men

As we all know, smoking in general is harmful to health not just body but for your hair as well. Studies have shown that smoking is linked to hair loss especially on men. The results were such that, excessive smoking apparently contributes to damaging the DNA of the hair follicle. This will further lead to inflammation and scarring, and ultimately result in androgenetic alopecia. Smoking, in general, can be quite addicting which is why, if you are looking for another strong reason to try to give it up, now is the time!

Reduce the stress in your life

This comes as no surprising. There are many researches on how stress impacts your hair. And there was one poll in particular, back in 2020 where polling was conducted by Gallup. It found that around 65 percent of adults in American surveyed were people who experienced daily stress. When you over-stress yourself, it can quite alarming. This is because not only do you get the condition called Telogen Effluvium which causes temporary hair shedding but the overall condition of your health can also be impacted!

Treat your hair gently while styling

Treat your hair gently while styling to get thick hair for men

Suppose you want to go out, you will obviously need to style your hair right? Well, using of heating hair tools while your hair thinning may not be a good idea here. You should instead treat your hair gently when you style it to prevent further damage and falling of your hair. There are certain hairstyles that may not be quite advisable to continue styling so, for long-term! Although it is up to you to sport those hairstyles, just make sure that you are gentle with the hair when you style it!

Give importance to hair growth vitamins

Give importance to hair growth vitamins

Much has been said and written about Vitamins that are helpful for skin. However since we are dealing with problems relating to thinning of hair, it is important that you are getting enough of the essential vitamins for your hair. This is because your hair need as much pampering as your skin! There are different types of vitamins that play a vital role in promoting the healthy growth of your hair. This includes Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C and Vitamin B7. You can either add more Vitamin rich foods in your diet; or start taking hair vitamin supplement for healthy hair like the Tressurge, Hair revital x, Provillus, Biotin Gummy Vitamins and so on!

Visit the Doctor!

The last resort is to consult your doctor! When you have tried all natural methods and regimes and it still did not work, you should meet up with your doctor. After which a proper diagnosis can be made for the reason of your hair thinning. They will give recommendations to avoid further complications. Your doctor may also most probably prescribe you with medications where you can take them orally to prevent further thinning of your hair.