How To Reduce Skin Pigmentation? – Tips & Causes

how to reduce skin pigmentation

Read this article to learn 8 tips and home remedies on how to reduce skin pigmentation and what are its major causes.


Pigmentations are mean discoloration of the skin caused by skin problems like sunspots, acne scars, stretch marks, and so on. When a person has hyperpigmentation, their skin tends to become darker than the rest of their body. Pigmentation can appear on any part of your body. Some people get it on their face while others get it on their armpits, elbows, knees, inner thighs, and even groin areas of the body.

Although this is considered harmless, it still makes people self-conscious of their skin tone and body in general. The dark patches can also lower a person’s self-esteem especially if it is in a place of visibility. While there are many natural home remedies to counter this problem, people can still opt for cosmetic procedures to take care of the skin issue.

What causes Skin pigmentation?

What causes Skin pigmentation

According to the American Academy of Dermatology or the AAD, these are the most common causes of hyperpigmentation affecting people of all types of skin tones and skin conditions.

Inflammation Skin trauma

Under this we have scars from acne, eczema, and bug bites, itchy skin, cuts, scrapes and so on. They form Inflammation skin trauma which contributes to pigmentation of the skin as it leaves a dark spot after the skin problem mentioned earlier gets healed.

Sun Exposure

As we all know, the harmful UV rays of the sun damages your skin excessively. This is another one of the major causes of pigmentation of the skin. When you are directly exposed to the sun without any sun block protections, it will cause sunburn leaving uneven coloration of the skin which further leads to pigmentation of the skin. And although sunspots are not identified as cancerous, one may still get skin cancer if they are not careful.


Melasma are brown patches that occur especially in women when they are pregnant. This brown patch of pigmentation is triggered due to combinations of genetics, hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, and exposure to the sun. Melasma is another skin condition that causes hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Medical Conditions or Medication Hyperpigmentation

Other medical conditions or medication hyperpigmentation like Addison’s disease, an adrenal gland disorder, and so on, can increase the chances of boosting the production of melanin which causes hyperpigmentation of the skin.

8 Tips to Reduce Skin Pigmentation

Avoid direct sunlight

Avoid direct sunlight

When you are directly exposed to the sun, it causes serious skin problems. To reduce the hyperpigmentation on your skin, you should avoid direct sunlight especially during hours from 10 AM to 2 PM where during these hours the sun is at its peak. Instead, if you are planning to go out make sure you are using sunscreen of at least SPF 15.

Aloe vera

aloe vera

By now I’m sure everyone knows the benefits of Aloe vera on the skin. This plant contains aloin which serves as a source of component useful for skin discoloration and pigmentation. Here is how to use this remedy:

  • you can take an aloe vera plant
  • scoop the gel from the plant
  • apply it directly to the areas where your skin is pigmented
  • You can even keep it overnight and wash them off the next morning

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is considered one of the active ingredients that is known for having positive effects on many skin problems as it contains acetic acid.[s] Applying ACV helps to brighten the skin which in turn helps to reduce hyperpigmentation on the skin. To try out this method:

  • make a mixture of ACV and water
  • Apply it to the area of the spotted skin for around 3 to 5 minutes
  • You can rinse it off with lukewarm water

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Green tea extract

Green tea extract

Studies have found that the extracts of green tea also contains properties that are useful to brighten the skin and to reduce pigmentation on the skin. Although there are still lack of evidence to support the studies found, it is still worth mentioning that this natural home remedy can actually work for real. Try this home remedy:

  • you only need a green tea bag where you have to steep it in boiling water for 5 minutes
  • let it cool and rub the area of the pigmented skin with the tea bag

Doing this twice a day will reduce dark spot, skin pigmentation and even acne scars!

Yogurt or milk

Yogurt and milk are other two ingredients that are useful to reduce hyperpigmentation on the skin. They contain lactic acid which is known to use as chemical peels for the skin. To use this,

  • you can apply the yogurt and milk directly to the pigmented skin
  • let it rest for a while
  • rinse the area you have applied thoroughly with lukewarm water
  • You can then finish off this home remedy by applying moisturizer to your skin.
  • Follow up with this routine twice or thrice a week to get better results.

Vitamin C

vitamin C

As everyone knows, Vitamin C is a rich antioxidant nutrient that is known to contain powerful properties to brighten the skin and slow down the process of ageing as well. Some rich sources of Vitamin C like grapefruit, lemon, papaya, and so on, are known to increase the chances of brightening your skin as it contains antioxidants properties. You can even get a Vitamin C serum or other cosmetic products with Vitamin C as one of the active ingredients for better results.



Studies have found that the leaves of Mulberry extracts acts as a source of natural ingredient to treat hyperpigmentation on the skin. Mulberry leaves are found to dissolve melanin which is the main cause of pigmentation on the skin. To use this, you can first sundry the mulberry leaves. After which, soak them in the water and apply it directly to the spot where the skin is pigmented.

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Red onion

Red onion

Red onion is another ingredient that helps in brightening the skin and hyperpigmentation of the skin. Here, to use this ingredient you can apply the dried skin of red onions on the skin. You can even search for topical creams that contains Allium Cepa to help with your skin.