How To Remove Acne Scars On The Face? – 7 Best Ways

How to remove acne scars on the face


Acne is one of the most common skin issues that occur in almost every teenager. Acne is annoying and frustrating, also they leave scars on your face. Though the acne scars are not permanent, we can remove them with face treatments and a good skincare routine. We all have different types of skin so no single skincare method will work for everyone so according to your skin type pick the method that is suitable to treat acne scars.

Home remedies are great natural treatments for preventing acne and reducing the appearance of acne scars, however, if your acne won’t go away after trying all the home remedies you better pay a visit to a dermatologist. Below we have some of the most effective treatments for all types of acne.

Keep reading to find out how to remove acne scars on the face…..

7 Ways To Remove Acne scars on the face

1. Home remedies to rid of acne scars

Home remedies to rid of acne scars

Home remedies are everyone’s favorite and first treatment to get rid of acne scars.

Here are some of the most popular home remedies to remove acne scars and treat acne on face:

Applying good essential oils (Such as tea tree oil)

The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of tea trees ease swelling and minimize the appearance of acne scars.

Note: Always dilute tea tree oil before applying it to your face

Use Aloe vera ( Mask, gel, leaves)

This tropical plant is a natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Aloe vera prevents acne breakouts and improves the appearance of acne scars.

get rid of acne scars

2. Laser resurfacing treatments

Laser resurfacing treatments

In laser treatment, the top layer of skin will be removed so young skin can be revealed. Compared to other resurfacing treatments laser treatment shows faster healing.

Note: Not very effective for darker skin tone.

3. Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

Fillers are the most effective treatment for people with boxcar and depressed acne scars. In this treatment, the dermatologist uses collagen, your own body fat, or other substances. Injecting this into your skin will make your depressed acne scars smoother and make your scars less noticeable.

4. Natural remedies to get rid of acne scars

Natural remedies to get rid of acne scars

The good thing about treating acne scars with natural remedies is that natural remedies don’t have side effects, are easily accessible, and are cheap. [How To Get Rid Of Pimples With No Head]

Here are 5 best natural remedies to prevent acne and reduce acne scars

  • Lemon Juice
  • Honey
  • Besan
  • Tea tree oil
  • Aloe vera

5. Chemical peels or acid peels

Chemical peels or acid peels

In chemical peeling treatment, the dermatologist applies the chemical solution to the fibrous tissue to remove the top layer of your skin and minimize the appearance of scars. The risk of chemical peeling is it may change the color of the skin especially if it is used often. [s]

The acid used for peeling ance scars includes lactic acid, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, carbolic acid, glycolic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids, and trichloroacetic acid.

6. Light therapy (Also known as phototherapy)

Light therapy

Light therapy is used For treating stubborn acne scars that won’t go away after chemical peeling and other acne treatments. Phototherapy is one of the most effective treatments used for treating acne scars, phototherapy uses a special type of light to kill the acne bacteria.

7. Microneedling Therapy

Microneedling Therapy

Microneedling is a treatment to treat post-acne and atrophic scars. Another name for this treatment is also known as collagen induction therapy. In this treatment the skin doctor uses fine needles to prick your skin, the reason for pricking your skin is for your skin to produce more collagen.

The new collagen improves the texture of your skin, by making it smoother. Microneedling therapy is effective for treating depressed acne scars. Collagen induction treatment is safe for dark skin tones and sensitive skin types as it doesn’t remove the top layer of the skin.

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What are the types of acne scars?

There are four main types of acne scars. Most people who have acne scarring commonly have more than one type of acne scar.

Here are the four main acne scars:

1. Rolling scars

Rolling scars appear mostly on thick skin. Such as jaw, and lower cheeks. Rolling scars make your skin look bumpy and rough.

2. Ice-pick scar

 Ice pick scars normally appear on thinner skin. Ice pick scars can be found on your upper cheeks and forehead. These types of scars are hard to get rid of and take a longer time to heal as the scar goes deep into the skin. Among all the acne scars, ice pick scars are the worst type of acne scars as it is hard to treat and in most cases the scars are permanent.

3. Keloid scars or Hypertrophic scars

Hypertrophic scars are delicate, itchy, and painful. This type of scars is typically found on the shoulders, jawline, back, and chest.

4. Boxcar Scar

Boxcar scars are commonly found on your lower cheeks and jaw. This type of scar leads to craters or rounded dents. Boxcar Scar indents have sharp vertical edges, and those vertical edges go deep into your skin. Because of this, boxcar scars are hard to get rid of and it takes a longer time for your skin to heal.

  1. How to prevent acne scars?

    To prevent acne scars you should get them treated as soon as it develops. Early treatment is the best way to keep your acne under control. You will never know when your mild acne will turn into a severe acne problem, and early treatment will help prevent acne scarring and developing severe acne problems. Avoid squeezing or picking acne, when you squeeze or pick your acne it damages your skin, the healing process will take longer and it may leave a permanent scar.If your acne is severe don’t take chances trying to treat it by yourself, by doing so you might end up with more acne scars. Not knowing the right way or method to treat your acne will cause more damage to your skin, as your skin couldn’t take the irritation. Seek board-certified dermatologists help to treat your acne the right way.

  2. What causes acne?

    Acne occurs when your pores become blocked with dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil glands.