How To Get Rid Of Pimples With No Head? – 9 Home Remedies

how to get rid of pimples with no head

Read this article to know about the 9 home remedies that will help you get rid of pimples with no head.


Healthy, beautiful, clean and clear skin is what everybody desires as it enhances the beauty of the person. When you look good, you automatically feel good. But if your skin is unhealthy or it is filled with scars, acne, pimples and blemishes, you become consciousness and your confidence level decreases. This is basically human nature.

Some people are naturally born with good flawless skin while for some it is the other way around. Some people tend to have very sensitive skin which causes quick irritation even by using the mildest cream. The cause of bad skin varies from person to person. It can be due to the food intake, due to cosmetic products that contain various chemicals, due to some hormonal misbalance, due to oily skin or due to other external factors, etc. among all other skin issues, pimples are very common among many people.

What Are Pimples?

Pimples are small hard inflamed spots on the skin that can be painful or cause itchiness. When the dead skin cells get accumulated in the pores of the skin, pimple is formed. When the sebaceous glands or the oil glands become clogged, red lesions filled with pus is formed. Anybody is likely to have pimples but people at puberty stage are more likely to have it because the skin becomes thicker. Pimples are not life-threatening but they can be painful and irritating.

The most common area of pimple formation is the face but in some severe cases, it may form in the chest and back too causing swelling. Some pimples are small while some can be big. There are numerous ways in which pimples can be treated or cured naturally or medically. Before getting into how to get rid of the pimples, we shall firstly talk about its causes in brief.

Causes of Pimples

causes of pimples
  1. Food habit can be one prime reason of pimple formation in the skin. There are certain food items that contribute to pimples like some high-carb foods or dairy products.
  2. Not all cosmetics products are good for your skin. Some can be disastrous for your skin. Usage of cosmetic products clogs the pores and causes the skin to form pimples.
  3. Pimples can be a genetic heredity issue. Parents with pimple problem can be a reason for your pimples.
  4. Some medicines like anti-seizure drugs, lithium, and steroids can contribute to pimples.
  5. Stress is another factor for pimple. Not many people consider stress to be a major issue but it does have its side effects.
  6. If our immune system is not strong enough then we are more likely to get infected with various ailments. It is so because our body is not able to fight back the germs and virus that enters our body.

Are you struggling with Acne Scars? CLICK HERE to learn how to get rid of any scars without side effects!

9 Basic Home Remedies

Here are the basic home remedies to get rid of pimples with no head.


1. Avoid Squeezing And Popping

Avoid Squeezing And Popping

The first and foremost thing that we should be mindful about is to avoid squeezing or popping the pimple with our nails and fingers. Nails are very dangerous as it may cause further infections and the scars may remain for lifetime. Also we are not aware of the amount of germs in our nails and hands. We usually like to pop out the pimples as it may seem very tempting but it is not safe to do so. It is best to let it dry out on its own instead of popping it. 

2. Apply Tea Tree Oil

Apply Tea Tree Oil to get rid of pimples with no head

Tea tree oil is one very essential item that has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that have been helpful in many skin related issues. It is clinically proven that 5% of tea tree oil is an effective treatment for mild to moderate pimple problem. It is recommended to apply it on the infected area twice a day for at least 2 weeks. This will help you get rid of any pimples with no head.


3. Apply Ice

apply ice to get rid of pimples with no head

To reduce the redness, swelling and inflammation, ice cubes are good. It cools down the area. Follow the steps below to get rid of pimples that have no head.

  • Simply wash the pimple area with mild face wash and warm water and pat dry.
  • Put the ice cubes into a clean towel, cloth or a plastic bag and gently hold the ice pack against the area for about 5 minutes.
  • Release it for 5 minutes and replace it for another 5 minutes.
  • Continue this process for three to four times a day until you see improvement.

4. Apply Warm Compress

Apply Warm Compress to get rid of pimples with no head

The benefit of applying warm compress is that the heat helps to open up pores which may enable the pimple to draw closer to the surface of the skin and thus create a head.

  • Soak a clean towel or cloth into moderate warm water.
  • Gently place it over the pimple for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Repeat the process for three to four times until the head is created and releases the pus.

5. Apply Aloe Vera

aloe vera to get rid of pimples with no head

Aloe Vera has much goodness and it benefits the skin in numerous ways. It not only helps in sunburn, ageing, reducing stretch marks but it also helps to get rid of pimples problem with no head. [s] Aloe Vera acts as a natural moisturizer, especially for people with oily skin. It is certain that oily skin can be one reason for pimple formation so here Aloe Vera can come for rescue.


6. Drink Good Amount Of Water

Drink Good Amount Of Water

The secret of many people’s clean and clear skin is water. Water washes down the impurities of the skin. It not only helps in good functioning of kidneys but also reduces the risk of pimple attack.  

7. Eat Green Vegetables And Fruits

Eat Green Vegetables And Fruits

What we consume is highly crucial in determining our skin quality. Some food items can have an adverse impact both on your health and skin. Consuming too much meat or oily and dairy products can be a minus point for your skin. So it is advisable to eat green vegetables and fruits more.

8. Apply Clinically Proven Ointments

Apply Clinically Proven Ointments

Not every medicine or ointment available in the pharmacy is good and safe. These days there are many duplicate medicines that harms you so be mindful of what you apply. Go for the ones that has been clinically tested and proven.

9. Make Your Own Facepack

Make Your Own Facepack

Applying a natural face pack on your face may help to ease the pain or clear acne or pimples. There are different types of facepack out there in the market but right now we would prefer the ones that we can find in our kitchen. yes, that’s right! Natural face packs such as papaya facepack will help you to have clear skin that is healthy and vibrant.

Bottom Line

Skin is one important factor in the human body. It is not only for the outer appearance but also it performs other essential tasks for the body. One should try and prevent the pimple risk by following skin care routine and be aware of the dos and don’ts. 

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