Simple Methods On How To Remove Skin Tags At Home

how to remove skin tags

This article contains home remedies and medical methods that are used to remove skin tags. Read on to learn about the solution to remove skin tags!

About Skin tags

Skin tag is a small benign, noncancerous tumor that is formed in areas where the skin forms creases or rubs together. It is a small piece of soft hanging skin. Fat cells, fibers and ducts, nerve cells and a covering or epidermis constitutes a skin tag. Skin tag may occur in the neck, face, eyelids, under the breast, thighs, upper chest, and groin and also in the armpit.

They maybe red, brown and black in color and they are the size of a rice grain. We may assume that skin tags occur from skin rubbing against skin because they are usually found in skin folds and creases. The other word for skin tag is acrochordon or acrochorda[s]. Skin tags are found equally both in men and women.

Causes of Skin Tags

skin tags

Increase in skin tags is linked with elevated blood sugar and insulin. Skin tags usually go unnoticed unless they are in a prominent area. Some skin tags may burst under pressure while some may fall off painlessly while rubbing. Some may grow up to 5cm but normally they may be from 2 millimeters to 1 centimeter.

The cause of skin tag is uncertain. However, according to a 2008 study, it is said that the development of skin tag may be due to the human papillomavirus (HPV) as the result showed HPV DNA in almost 50% of the examined skin tags. Also, increase in skin tag may be linked with elevated blood sugar or insulin resistance. [s]

They are also said to be a side effect of pregnancy and weight gain. Multiple skin tags can be a sign of hormonal imbalance or endocrine issue. Skin tag is not cancerous nor is it contagious.

There might be irritation when rubbed with other skin, cloth, shaving or jewelry. However, if the skin tag bleeds itches continuously or changes its color then you should be cautious and you need to consult a physician. You can either remove the skin tag by home remedies or you can visit a doctor. But if the skin tag is around the eyes, genitals, or is very large and causing pain, itching or bleeding then you should avoid home remedies as it may cause greater risk.

5 Home Remedies to Remove Skin Tags

Below are five home remedies that act as skin tag removal will help you remove skin tags. You can choose which is the most efficient one for you. #howtoremoveskintags

1. Garlic

garlic to remove skin tags

Crushed garlic should be applied to the skin tag and it should be covered overnight with a bandage. Then wash it off thoroughly and repeat the process until the skin tag shrinks and disappears. Application of garlic tends to improve the skin appearance as it reduces inflammation.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another helpful component to remove skin tags because the acidity present in the apple cider vinegar helps the tissues surrounding the skin tag to break down. Just follow these simple steps repeatedly for some weeks.

  • Soak a ball of cotton into the apple cider vinegar
  • Apply in to the skin tag.
  • Wrap it up with a bandage for about 15 to 30 minutes
  • Rinse it off.

3. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil comprises of antifungal and antiviral properties which helps in skin treatment. Before applying the oil, wash the area and massage over the skin tag with the tea tree oil using cotton. Cover the skin tag with a bandage and let it stay overnight. #homeremediestoremoveSkinTags

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4. Vitamin E

vitamin e to remove skin tags

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps in wrinkles and keeps the skin healthy. Aging may be another factor contributing to skin tags so it would be a good option to applying vitamin E liquid over the skin tag. Massage the vitamin E liquid gently over the area until it vanishes or falls off.

5. Banana peel

Banana peel

Banana peel contributes in skin tag removal as it helps the tag to dry out. So the next time before you discard them, think twice. You simply have to place a piece of banana peel over the area and wrap it up with a bandage. Continue this until the skin tags breaks off.  #GetRidOfSkintags

5 Medical Methods Of Skin Tag Removal

If you go for a medical approach, the following procedures are what your doctor will choose for you in case your skin tags needs to undergo surgery.

1. Ligation

Ligation is basically the process of tying a thread around the skin tag to reduce the flow of blood which leads the skin tag to eventually fall off.

2. Cauterization

Cauterization is another medical process that helps in removing the skin tags. Here the skin tags are burnt and the tags break down after couple of treatments. It is burnt through a wire that has been heated by passing an electric current.

3. Excision

Excision is the process of cutting out the skin tags using medical blades.

4. Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is one where the skin tags freeze off after applying liquid nitrogen over the area. Here the nitrogen liquid damages the unwanted tissues of the skin and hence the skin tag falls off. Initially you may have small blister formation in the area of the skin tag but it will eventually heal with time.

5. Surgical removal

Surgical removal is one where the skin tags are removed with the help of surgical scissors or scalpel. 

Bottom Line

Skin tags can happen to anyone and you once could not prevent them. The least you can do is to reduce its chances of growing. However, there are numerous natural skin tags remover these days that will help you remove them without any side effects.

Majority of skin tags are harmless and do not cause pain except in some cases where there can be acute pain, itching and bleeding. But it can be disturbing. People usually try to cut it off with blade or nail clippers but this can be harmful. You cannot blindly do on your own because it may cause infection later on.

So, instead of taking the risk, it is best to go for safe skin tag removers or natural home remedies that are easily accessible or you can consult a doctor.

Blades and nail clippers that we use at home may contain unseen germs and they are not sterilized. So it is not safe to use them on our own.

Try out the above given home remedies but avoid it if it irritates your skin or if it has an adverse effect on your skin. Skin type varies from person to person so it may have a negative reaction on some people even if the remedies are natural and safe.